Underline and write the correct answers.
1.is l am Peter .are 2.is This am a omputer.are 3.l Raise you leg.your 4.He`s She's a lion.lt's
5.He She is a policewoman.lt 怎么改?
人气:218 ℃ 时间:2020-08-27 21:44:35
划出并且写下正确的答案1.is l am Peter .are 2.is This am a omputer.are 3.l Raise you leg. your 4.He`s She's a lion. lt's5.He She is a policewoman.lt 怎么改?1 l am Peter 2Thisisa omputer3 .l Raise yourleg4lt'sa lion 5She is a policewoman
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