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MY first week in high school作文150个单词
人气:298 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 13:53:53
I still remember my first week in high school,which was really exciting.in that week,i met a great many of new friends,learned how to adapt life in high school and read new textbooks as well
firatly,i met some new friends,who were really helpful and kind-hearted.actually,i was not good at math,my friends comforted me,and thus,i was more conficident.what is more,we decided to help each other during the school hour.
secondly,i realized more about the new life in high school.as the school always told us to be more careful about safety and study,as well as told us some study strategies and therefore,i made great improvement.
last but not the least,i read the new testbooks.these were different from the previous ones,and more interesting.basically,we could learn more knowledge then.
i really experienced an interesting first week in my high school.
望采纳\(^o^)/~谢谢,人在吗在啊我本来想让你把答案删了再选你的,现在删不了了什么意思啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )那就直接选吧\(^o^)/~主要是不想让别人看到,不然我还不如在网上直接找一篇抄抄了这个。ive no idea
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