> 其他 >
A:Good afternoon,Bob.
B:Good afternoon,Jim.Welcome to my home.Mom,Dad,this is my friend,Jim.Jim,
( )are my parents
A:Nice to meet you.
C:Nice to meet you,too
B:My computer is in my room.Let's go to look at it.
A:All right.
B:Jim,this is my room.Please come in.
A:OK.Your room is very nice.
B:( ).Look!My computer is on the desk.Let's play
B:NO,they are difficult.But I can( ) you with them.
A:Thank you very much
人气:347 ℃ 时间:2019-10-10 04:03:47
A:Good afternoon,Bob.
B:Good afternoon,Jim.Welcome to my home.Mom,Dad,this is my friend,Jim.Jim,
(These )are my parents
A:Nice to meet you.
C:Nice to meet you,too
A:( Where's your computer)?
B:My computer is in my room. Let's go to look at it.
A:All right.
B:Jim, this is my room. Please come in.
A:OK. Your room is very nice.
B:(Thanks ). Look! My computer is on the desk. Let's play
A:(Are they easy )?
B:NO, they are difficult. But I can(help) you with them.
A:Thank you very much
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