"There are 2,531 doors and 7,593 keys“(2531扇门,7593把钥匙)为啥事实上就是这样的。这是有关巴黎歌剧院的一段介绍 A few figures taken from the article will suggest the enormous capacity and the perfect convenience of the house. "There are 2,531 doors and 7,593 keys; 14 furnaces and 450 grates heat the house; the gaspipes if connected would form a pipe almost 16 miles long; 9 reservoirs, and two tanks hold 22,222 gallons of water and distribute their contents through 22,829 2-5 feet of piping; 538 persons have places assigned wherein to change their attire. The musicians have a foyer with 100 closets for their instruments."牛津书虫《歌剧院的幽灵》中的勒鲁这部小说,讲述的就是发生在“巴黎歌剧院”的“鬼故事”,所以,应该尊重人家真实的建筑格局吧。==故事可以虚构,但没必要把一个真实的建筑虚化掉。 你说呢?书中有答案吗还真没注意。 你这是哪儿来的问题呀?干什么用的?
作业百度百科关于这本书的介绍里还真说书中提到过“ 以下是百度百科的说的 前言这本奇书的作者讲述的是,他如何经过追踪调查最后确信歌剧院幽灵确有其人 ......该剧院有2531个门,7593把钥匙,六英里长的地下暗道,整个歌剧院占地三...哦好了。问题解决了==很高兴能帮到你!