> 英语 >
1.\x05这么短的路程,她怎么会迟到了两个小时呢?(come about)
2.\x05一些学生同意这种观点,如果他们不进重点大学,他们将找不到好工作.(subscribe to)
3.\x05他无论如何不会屈服.(under no circumstances)
4.\x05我谨代表全班感谢您.(on behalf of)
5.\x05有点小分歧,但是总体来说我们的谈判进展顺利.(on the whole)
6.\x05The students,________(大部分是男生),are against canceling PE lessons.
7.\x05This summer,the temperature in some cities _____(高达40度).
8.\x05Many people ________(往往认为)water is cheap.___________(结果,大量的水)are wasted every day.
9.\x05He studied ______ last night.(他昨天学习直到了12点) as…as
10.\x05There is a growing tendency of extreme weather,________(由于)global warming.(result)
12.\x05直到战争结束的时候,他才得以回家.(强调;only when )
人气:334 ℃ 时间:2020-04-09 06:10:46
1 How did it come about that she was late about two hours for that short distance?
2 Some students subscribe to the idea that if they were not to the major universities, they would not find a job in the future.
3 Under no circumstances can he give in.
4 I am grateful to you on behalf of our whole class.
5 There was small disagreement, but we get along with the negotiation on the whole.
6 mostly the boys
7 is up to forty degrees centigrade
8 used to think that.. It turns out plenty of water
9 as late as midnight
10 as a result of
11 Recently, the discussion on whether students could use telephone has heated. Some students are on the positive side, while some are not. (有点多,我就只译了开头..)
12Only when the war ended could he be back home.
13 Without the help of my English teacher, I would not have won the first of the English writing competition.
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