have__ friend what makes a great friend why is it sometimes d__ th make friends would you like to talk to a friend if you were w__ or sad?now,i will give you some tips about making friends
don'tkeep things to y__.if you are sad about something .talking to a close friend can really help you fee better and help find out
what to do.
l__ is a really important skill.if you friends talk to you about their worries,it is i__to liswten
look out for your friends.if you see one of you f__ is unhappy try talking to him or her to see if there is a__ you can do
some people are s__and rind it is hard to make friends ,if you see some people sitting on their own or with no one to talk to ,try to include them in your groud and make then f__ welcome
空出的是要填的 开头应为 do you have a g__ griend
首字母开头 不会填的别答
some people are s__and rind it is hard to make friends 应为 some people are s__and find it is hard to make friends
人气:459 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 17:58:32
great difficult worried yourself listening important
friend anything sad feel
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