> 英语 >
Mr.Smith,tiring of living in his house in the countryside,
wanted to sell it and buy the better one.He was not
success though he tried to sell it for a long time.Finally,
Mr.Smith had no choice but turn to an agent to solve
the problem.Just a few of days later,Mr.Smith saw a
very attractive photograph of his house with a wonderful
description of it's garden in an expensive magazine.After reading
the advertisement,he decides not to sell his house any more,
but he hurriedly telephoned the agent and said to him,"I'm sure
my house is just the house which i want to live all my life."
人气:330 ℃ 时间:2020-06-17 10:07:55
1.tiring--tired 跟后面wanted 是并列的,应该用同一时态,发出者都是一人
2.the---a 买一个更好的,并没有特指,多以用a
3success--successful it is +形容词
4turn--turned 时态一致,全文都是过去式
5of(去掉) a few 一些...直接修饰可数名词
7it's--its of 后面应接名词或者动词ING形式.如果是it's 就是一个句子了,肯定是错的
8decides--decided 时态一致
9but--and 在这里Mr smith 已经决定不卖房子了,跟上个小分句并无转折之意.是他决定了不卖,接着打电话
10.live 后加in 固定搭配live in the house.
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