> 英语 >
帮我找出这些句子中的语病 单句改错
1.his name was come up whenever it came to the matter of nuclear energy
2.as many as 62500people died as result of the earthquake
3.she felt like to yell at him,but she was determined not to lose her self-control
4.there's no doubt whether one day he will succeed
5.i made her to pomise not to tell anyone,and she said she would keep my secret
人气:328 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 06:16:01
1.His name was come up whenever it came to the matter of nuclear energy.当涉及和能量问题是他的名字总是被提及.was come up 改为 came up这里无需被动,come up表示提及,“主动用,被动翻”.如:The project came...
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