填写适当形式:1.the weather in summer is usually nice,but sometimes it_____(change)a lot.
2.My friends and I ___(go)to Beihai Park by bus.
3.We took a walk in the park and ___(see)some old people performing Beijing Opera.
4.Then we __(fly)kites and__(climb)hills.
5.We__(eat)some food and__(have)a good rest there .
6.After lunch,we__(take)some pictures.But later on,it __(turn)windy and clondy.
7,It__(begin)to rain when we got back home.
spring:return in March,get warm,come back to life,a wonderful season.
人气:148 ℃ 时间:2020-04-19 01:12:39
注:2到7连到一起是叙述过去的,最好用一般过去时spring:return in March,get warm,come back to life,a wonderful season. 按照例子,分别写夏天、秋天、冬天。更正:7 beganSpring: Spring returns in March. It get warm. Everything comes back to life. It's a wonderful season.Summer: Summer comes in June and it lasts from June to August. It is very hot. The plants grow very fast. It's an interesting season.Autumn: Autumn is from September to November. It is cool in autunm. It's a harvest time.Winter: Winter begins in December and ends in February. It's cold. Sometimes it snows heavily. It's a lovely seson.
- The weather in summer is usually nice 神马意思,
- The weather in Shenzhen is usually _______ and ______ in summer. Sonetimes It's _____ and ____. Som
- the weather in the south in summer is usually very hot but it———— be cold sometimes
- 连词成句英语:summer,hot,the,in,very,weather,usually,is(.)
- 1、泳衣:( ) 2、鞋子:( ) 3、The weather in Shenzhen is usually( )and( )in summer.
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