40 And what does this horrible drink consist ______
41 I shall certainly act ______ your advice.
42 Don't write ______ the desk!
43 You should not boast ______ your success.
44 You must encourage him ______ his efforts.
45 He should be instructed ______ his duties.
46 Two or three people were involved ______ the accident.
47 Children should be prohibited ______ smoking.
48 I can assure you ______ my support.
49 Do you approve _____hunting?
50 I despair ______ ever teaching him anything!
51 Has this play ever been performed ______ the stage?
52 I warned him ______ the danger,but he wouldn't listen to me.
53 How much have you borrowed ______ me already?
54 He delights ______ annoying me.
人气:210 ℃ 时间:2020-01-25 07:02:10
40.of consist of 由…组成;由 ...组成;包括 这种可怕的饮料是什么组成的?41.on act on 遵照…行动;奉行 42.on 在桌子上 别在桌面上写字!43.of boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀 44.in encourage sb.in sth.在某方面鼓励...还有一个,谢谢啦!
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