1 I'm really interested in siiting in a boat and doing nothing,instead of in fishing at all!(instead of的后面加一个in 就对了)
(- - -- - ,instead of -- - -)
2 I am not interested in fishing at all,but in siiting in a boat and doing nothing at all.
(not - - - - but -- - - )谢谢,第二个问题的意思是,用instead of 来表述下面这段话:I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!像Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.这段表述一样。不是而是你好。太简单了:Instead of being interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!being 在这里起什么作用呢,直接 Instead of interested in fishing.不可以吗你好。of是介词,be interested in 是一个动词词组,interested是形容词,不能单独成为动词,必须由be参与,of后面的动词必须是ing形式,所以就成了instead of being -- - - -明白了吗?