谁能帮我写一封道歉信 要英文
I am looking for a reliable supplier of quality replica goods for resale here in the UK.
I really like the look of the Gucci goods you are advertising here.Howver you do not have a very high trust score,which concerns me somewhat.And in business you always must try before you buy.I don't want to waste your time and mine by paying for goods that i cannot sell on.
Obviously with no disrespect meant,i was wondering if you would be able to provide me with a sample of your work for free - although i am happy to pay postage costs,to ensure that i am able to resell these goods and also to ensure they are of the very best quality.
I hope i have not offended you in anyway and look forward to your response and possibly a good working relationship together.
人气:165 ℃ 时间:2020-05-23 02:27:15
Hello, because the special reason I didn*t receive the cargo punctually that day. Could you please forgive our mistake, cooperate with I again ?