1、The Pure Light from Scandinavia.The Chromalux bulb has its origin in Finland, land of the Midnight Sun,where life must be sustained in almost total darkness for a few months of theyear. Extensive research and testing there resulted in the design of thisunique light source, which closely simulates Natural Sunlight.
2、Chromalux bathes space with a pleasing, colorful and relaxing feelingthat maximizes people's sense of well-being. Chromalux improves readabilityconditions, reduces eye strain and accommodates optimum visual comfort. A mustfor today's home, office or business. Chromalux fits any standard fixtures.
人气:205 ℃ 时间:2020-03-09 16:14:36
- 一个两位数,它的十位上的数字是a,个位上的数字是b,用含有字母的式子表示这个两位数是( ).
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