> 英语 >
1They (fly)kites in the park ,are they?2 Shall we()the meeting?Sure.Let us() them
Ajoin in,join in Bjoin,joinCjoin in,join 3The desk is made()wood and the wine is made()rice.A of,of B from,from C of,from4You will believe me if you go and see the pyramids()yourselves A by B to C with 5 There are so many wonderful places for us()in Beijing.A to look B to look at them C to go to 6When John(),please call to tell me A reach B arrives C arrive at 7 I often()the theatre at half()seven.A pass,past B go pass,past C to past,pass 8He needs to keep fit,()he?A does not B is not C need not 9 Do you have a plan()this holiday?A of B for C in10 Thanks()the secret()for me.A to keep,for B for keeping,toC for keeping,for11 I find some information on thr Internet,can you ()?A write it down B write down them C write it up 12 The winter holiday is coming,will you make a plan()it?A to B in C for 13If you want to come,please tell us()A as soon as possible B as soon as possibly C as soon as you could 14Can you join in the dance tomorrow evening?()A Yes,you canB No,i can not C No,i am afraid not15 Do you agree (meet)me at the school gate?16I can not draw at the (begin)but i draw very well now17We are preparing(hold)a party18 Who will you have (go)with us tomorrow?19Thank you for (let)us (have)a rest20Mr Wu went to the city with Kitty and (I)
人气:230 ℃ 时间:2019-09-27 11:14:51
1 are flying 2C 3C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8A你打错了?这里doesn't必须缩写的 9B 10C 11A 12C 13A 14 C 15 to meet 16beginning 17 to hold 18 go 19 letting 20me
那个不清楚问哪个吧请您解释一下选择题吧2 join+人或组织,join in=take part in+活动3be made of 看的出原材料,from看不出4by +反身代词,由某人自己,亲自...5不定式做后置定语,和被修饰词逻辑动宾关系,A缺介词,Bthem多余6AC选项都缺宾语而且时态不对7pass 动词“经过”,此处一般现在时态第一人称主语用原型,past 介词 超过8needs,做三单变化,明显实意动词,用does问9同12 介词for“为了,适合于...”10thanks for doing,为了...而感谢,后面那个for还是“为...”11information不可数,只能用it代替,write down 写下来,抄下来13as soon as possible 尽快 C选项的could不对14A人称不对,B太直接了,不礼貌
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