> 英语 >
1.假设你是LI LEI,根据下列信息写一封信给你的英国的同学TOM.下周而是你生日,你准备在家里开一个生日晚会,并邀请部分同学和朋友参加。晚会7:30开始。届时,你哥哥也会来助兴。你住在庆春路12号,乘7路或12路公共汽车在庆春路站下车,然后往南走100米。你家房子是红色的,门市白色的.开头)
Dear TOM
Next tuesday is my birthday.
2.2010"地球一小时"(Earth Hour)活动中,中国很多城市的人们都自觉熄灯一小时。假定你是CCTV9的记者,请你根据以下信息写一篇新闻稿。题材(What people to do:Shanghai:taking a walk with the family Beijing:having a nice talkwith family Ningbo:holding a party in the park)(What people plan to do:Chang life style:spend more time with family and friends Protect the envirnment:1.plant more trees 2.use paper both sides )
Thank you for joining CCTV's Around China Show!Now it's 8:45p.m.During the famous Earth Hour.Peopleinmanycities ave turned off their lights and are having a very special time.In shanghai,
人气:172 ℃ 时间:2020-10-01 13:23:56
爱心The cartoon is very humorous but quite thought-provoking and enlightening,in which an impressing scene is depicted vividly. In the drawing an oil lamp is shining in darkness, and it’s said that l...
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