> 英语 >
关于aggregate demand/supply curve的一道题.也就是总需求曲线和总供给曲线的题.
A fall in demand for goods and services casues(商品和服务的需求下降,将导致?):
A,the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right and inflation to rise.
B the aggregate supply curve to shift to the left and inflation to rise.
C the aggregate supply curve to shift to the right and inflation to rise.
D the aggregate demand curve to shift to the left and inflation to fall.
这个问题好困扰我啊 我一开始认为是A 后来感觉是D 现在又不知道该选哪个了····
人气:330 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 04:32:24
A fall in demand for goods and services就是consumption减少.
又知道aggregate demand=consumpition+investment+government expenditure+(export-import),所以当consumption减少时,AD也会减少,也是就左移.
AD左移根据总供给需求图像可知,general price level 下降.左移inflation falls.
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