what do you think of the film oh,I have never see( )
a good one
the better one
the best one
a better one
人气:153 ℃ 时间:2019-10-17 06:42:27
a better one 用这部和以前的任何一部比较,用比较级,从语义上看可知是泛指以前看过的,所以不是特指那一部电影,用a 不用the.
- What do you think of the movie?I have never seen___before
- ——What do you think of the 3D moive Harry Potter -----I have never seen a ___film .
- what do you think of the film同义句
- -What do you think of your school life -I think I never have _____ .
- 同义句转换:What do you think of the film?()do you () the film?
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