> 英语 >
人气:223 ℃ 时间:2019-10-10 06:26:51
Today English is used in many country as their first language,such as Britain,American ,Canada and so on.While in those country English has more or less difference,because of their different history condition,culture and geography.In history Britain and American were closest related,however,as the developed in history and insolated in geography ,the language in two country appears some different in spelling pronunciation usage and so on.The follow passage will give out some comparisons both in lexicon spelling and in usage in order to indicate the distinction between American English and British English.
Before we discuss about the distinction,we must point out that most part of the two countries language are the same,and the difference between them is very little.
1.Using different words to describe the same meaning
2.Using only in one country
Because of the different conditions some words only are used in one country.Such as some geographic feature and animals or plants only appear in American,for example everglades,bayou,canyon,caribou,gopher,sequoia,sagebrush,and so on.
While there are not the title of monarch and nobility in America.For example,America do not have the titles such as prince,duke,marquis,count,viscount,baron,knight and so on.
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