假设你叫Betty,患重感冒不能去上学.请写一张请假条给(Mr.Green)说明两天请假的原因. 提示词: feel terrible, see a doctor, bad cold, stay in bed, ask for...(请.假),get well, go back to school
人气:208 ℃ 时间:2019-11-01 23:16:54
Dear Mr.Green,Yesterday,on my way home,I was caught in a heavy rain.Hence,I had a bad cold today.I feel terrible therefore I went to consult a doctor this morning.Doctor prescribed some medicine for me and advised me to stay in bed for two days.Therefore,Mr.Green,May I have your permission to take 2 days' leave from school.I shall be back to school as soon as I recovery.Thank you.Yours faithfully,Betty.