The company hereby agrees to purchase from the supplier the following goods (the "goods") at the following price (the "price")
please quote our order number on all your documents and correspondence
NOTE if the goods are not delivered within the sated peried ,our company reservers the tight to cancel this order.Our company reserves the ritht to inspect any goods before despatch from the suppliers' premises.but such inspertion shall not relieve the suppliers from responsibility or liability not be interpreted so us in any way to imply accepctance of such goods.this purchaser order shall be governed by conditions berein (special condition ) and thd General condition overleaf.
please sign and return acknowledgerent copy duty STAMPED ASAP.If not returned within seven days we will asumse that the purchase order is accepted by you
人气:168 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 18:50:03
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