英语语法 写理由(详细)
1.Here is ___ old book.But it is ___ useful one.
A.an; the B.an;a C.the; an D.an;an
2.There is good ___ for you,I've found your lost watch
A.news B.ideas C.message D.thoughts
3.When I was walking in the street,I saw a plane ___ over my head.
A.flies B.flying C.fly D.flew
人气:482 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 23:40:44
1.Here is _an__ old book.But it is _a__ useful one.B.an;a
A.an; the B.an;a C.the; an D.an;an
2.There is good _A.news__ for you,I've found your lost watch
A.news B.ideas C.message D.thoughts
因为there is good中间没有a,所以要选不可数名词,因此是news.
3.When I was walking in the street,I saw a plane _B.flying__ over my head.
A.flies B.flying C.fly D.flew
- 在横线上加上相关的单词或字母造一个新单词:news+___=
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- 1/21+202/2121+50505/212121+13131313/21212121=_.
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