Dearest One
Greetings to you, I know this letter will be strange to you. It comes from a young 21 years old girl held up in a war country, Ivory Coast. I have been praying to God to give me somebody who will help me with my present condition since i have decided and made up my mind to relocate from here to stay with you in your country to start up my life again as you help me receive this box that is containing this fund in your country.
I am the only daughter of my late father and he was in government in Sierra Leone for about 3 years untill Johny Paul Zuma seized power,my father ran down to Ivory Coast here with me to take refugge. Things have been ok,untill the killings and political situation here become a problem and before he died,he deposited a trunk box containing the sum of $ 8.000,000 united state dollars with a private security company.With the documents issued to him which is on my posession now,the box is registered as family valuables and personal belogings he did this for the security of the fund and till date the security company did not know the true content of the box.
I have contacted the security company for the claim and retrival of the box on their custody and the director of the security company has agreed and promise to lift the box to my partner through their diplomatic means as soon as i appoint one since the political war here is geting worse.Due to this i want you to act as my partner to receive the consignment box in your country for me andhelp to
get me out of here as i dont want to trust blindly to lose everything i have inherited from my late father.
Contact me with my private email address.
Hoping to hear from you urgently so as to give you more details..
Thank you and God bless you.
Mss Joyic Bamba
人气:139 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 01:28:34
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