> 英语 >
甲:老合同存在的问题你们很快解决了,现在可以谈谈你方新的报盘了 乙:您认为可以接受么 甲:您看这成本加运费的报价是否太高了点 乙:去年九月以来,核桃仁价格上涨33%,我们只是为了保持双方业务关系报的这个价格 甲:如果大批订货您能给打个折扣么 乙:那倒可以考虑
甲:您见到我们的报价单了么?乙:看到了,因为你们的报价比市场价格水平高的多 我们不得不向总部请示 甲:我想你们也了解最近原料价格普遍上涨了 乙:但是你们的竞争者报的价却比你们的低 甲:你们也得考虑质量问题,我们的商品质量比其他国家要好
人气:337 ℃ 时间:2020-04-15 07:41:13
A: You have solved the problems in the old contract very quickly. Now you can talk about your new offer.
B: Do you think that you can accept it?
A: The CFR quotation is a little bit too high. Don't you think so?
B: Since September of last year, the price of walnut meat have increased 33%. We are only trying to quote this price to maintain our business relationship.
A: Can you offer a discount if we place an order of large quantity?
B: In that case, we could consider about it.
A: Did you see our quotation sheet?
B: Yes, I did. We have to apply with our headquarters as your quoted price is much higher than that in the market.
A: I believe you are aware of the prevailing increase in raw material price.
B: But your competitor quotes lower than you.
A: You have to consider the quality. Thequality of our products is better than products from other countries.
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