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文化的审美习惯.Blood and Sand翻译成“碧血黄沙”,贴近汉民族的修饰与生动传神的审美需求,而英语的表达惯式则不使用修饰性的形容词.译名不仅充分展现了原名的文化价值和商业价值,还忠实了电影的内容.再如,在某些形象的审美上,汉文化也截然不同于英语文化的审美习俗.在中国文化传统中,
人气:453 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 20:09:16
The Differences of Aesthetic
As a universal social and cultural phenomenon,aestheticsis the result of long-term development of human civilization. Cultural differences, determines the difference in aesthetic taste. Determine the differences of aesthetic translator to grasp the depth of the source language films
Aesthetic content of thought, art form with the target language to convey the image of the original, emotional and artistic beauty of language, which will pass the original aesthetic experience of the target language of film art audience. For example, the aesthetic order in the text, the Chinese emphasis on modification and vividly expressive, pay attention to the harmony of the text. After the movie title Citylights translated into Chinese as "City Lights"in the original English title added a conjunction between the two words "the", adapted to the Chinese.
The aesthetic and cultural habits. Blood and Sand translated as "Treasure of the Sierra yellow sand", close to the Han ethnic modification and aesthetic needs of lively and vivid, while the expression used in English-style modification of the adjective is not used. Formerly translated not only fully demonstrates the cultural value and commercial value, but also faithful to the film's content. Again, in some aesthetic image, the Han culture has distinct aesthetic practices in the English culture. In traditional Chinese culture,
Lotus is always linked with the beauty of charming, Li Bai to use "natural to the carving, beauty With. " This verse to describe the beauty Yang in Chinese history. Video "BathingBeauty" translated as "Waterlilies " Natural appropriate, is to meet the aesthetic psychology of Chinese people.
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