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The Microgenetic Method:Time for Change?
Emma Flynn ,Karen Pine and Charlie Lewis
Change is an inevitable,but important aspect of our lives.Football teams
travel up and down the leagues,governments come and go,we make the transition
from nursery to school,school to college or a job and then from job to job.As change
affects everyone and is so endemic,it is crucial that psychologists have an adaptable
approach to measure it.Yet,paradoxically in attempting to identify how change
occurs,much of psychology has focused on events before and after such transitions
without considering the process itself.In this article we argue that it is now time that
psychological methods of enquiry give us more than just a snapshot of the events
surrounding change.The Microgenetic Method offers a clear view of change as it is
actually happening..We describe this approach,provide some examples of its use,
and reflect upon how its techniques are once again coming to be used to address key
psychological questions.
人气:316 ℃ 时间:2020-04-10 12:46:01
微观发生法:变革的时机?艾玛弗林,克伦松树和查理刘易斯 变化是不可避免的,但很重要的方面是我们的生活.足球队 旅游上下联盟,政府来来去去,我们做过渡 从幼儿园到学校,学校,大学或工作,然后从工作到工作.由于改变 影...
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