there is a bird in the tree.【对为复数句】
人气:137 ℃ 时间:2019-12-07 20:42:15
there are some birds in the tree
- there is a bird in the tree变为复数形式
- There is a bird ( ) the tree.是用on 还是用in
- 连词成句:is,there,bird,a,the,in,tree.
- IS there a cat in the tree这句话改成复数句是什么?
- 用in,a,bird,is,tree,the,there连词成句子
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- 如图所示的电路中,A、B两端间电压U恒定,干路中的定值电阻的阻值为R0,支路中的定值电阻的阻值为R2,滑动变阻器不接入电路时,两固定端a、b间的电阻为R1.R0小于R1,R0和R2都不等于零.那
- 已知函数y=(1/2)loga(3-ax)在[0,2]上是减函数则实数a取值范围
- 如图,已知AD=5cm,C是线段AD上任意一点,B是线段AC的中点,CD=2/3AC,求AB,BC,CD
- We will make a decision before the 30th September. 什么意思? 谢谢!