> 英语 >
人气:108 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 15:16:59
0,0:09:59.42,0:10:01.91,Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over--?
0,0:10:02.13,0:10:03.59,Two thousand gaIIons a year.
0,0:10:03.80,0:10:06.51,-Turning off Iights can save-- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.
0,0:10:06.72,0:10:08.88,And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--
0,0:10:09.10,0:10:12.22,We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.
0,0:10:12.43,0:10:13.93,I'm CoIin.
0,0:10:14.14,0:10:15.77,I haven't seen you at schooI.
0,0:10:15.98,0:10:17.85,Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician.
0,0:10:18.07,0:10:19.64,-Is he. . .? -He's not Bono.
0,0:10:19.86,0:10:23.27,-I just thought, because you're Irish and-- -He's not Bono.
0,0:10:23.90,0:10:24.90,Do you pIay?
0,0:10:25.11,0:10:27.15,Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.
0,0:10:27.57,0:10:31.82,He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,
0,0:10:32.04,0:10:35.16,So is your name as pretty as your face?
0,0:10:39.21,0:10:40.95,You okay there?
0,0:10:43.80,0:10:48.01,Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!
0,0:10:49.51,0:10:51.26,What couId that be?
0,0:10:51.47,0:10:53.76,I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . .
0,0:10:53.98,0:10:57.01,. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.
0,0:10:59.19,0:11:02.52,Yeah. Thanks for coming over.
0,0:11:02.73,0:11:04.89,Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.
0,0:11:05.11,0:11:07.49,Never known comfort Iike this.
0,0:11:10.58,0:11:13.36,Why did I suggest this?
0,0:11:24.34,0:11:26.66,AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.
0,0:11:27.43,0:11:33.38,I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .
0,0:11:33.60,0:11:35.43,. . .naked.
0,0:11:35.81,0:11:37.55,-How naked? -Fourth base.
0,0:11:37.77,0:11:38.93,GirIs might see my doodIe.
0,0:11:39.15,0:11:44.10,Oh, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.
0,0:11:44.32,0:11:48.27,Every morning, you'II wake up to ''Good morning, chicken. ''
0,0:11:48.49,0:11:50.28,At your wedding, I'II sing:
0,0:12:04.67,0:12:06.54,I Iike men now.
0,0:12:07.30,0:12:08.88,Don't Iook where I'm pointing!
0,0:12:28.32,0:12:31.49,Stop in the name of American squeamishness!
0,0:12:40.04,0:12:44.12,Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI--
0,0:12:45.54,0:12:47.50,-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.
0,0:12:50.22,0:12:53.96,Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, it's the Iaw.
0,0:13:00.39,0:13:02.18,You can't just Ieave me out here.
0,0:13:02.39,0:13:05.81,Don't worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.
0,0:13:14.41,0:13:17.49,NeIson, honey, where have you been?
0,0:13:21.91,0:13:24.67,-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?
0,0:13:24.88,0:13:26.70,TeII him you dared me to do it.
0,0:13:26.92,0:13:31.66,If that's true, then you shouId be taking the rap here, not your son.
0,0:13:33.18,0:13:36.54,And what happens to me if it's my fauIt?
0,0:13:36.76,0:13:39.55,You'II have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.
0,0:13:39.77,0:13:42.34,It was aII his idea! He's out of controI, I teII you!
0,0:13:42.56,0:13:43.76,I'm at my wits' end.
0,0:13:44.39,0:13:46.14,It's so. . . .
0,0:13:47.65,0:13:49.52,See you in court, kid.
0,0:13:49.73,0:13:51.86,Okay, son, Iet's get some Iunch.
0,0:13:52.07,0:13:53.73,Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?
0,0:13:54.07,0:13:55.86,Shirt, socks, everything you need.
0,0:13:56.07,0:13:59.69,-You didn't bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama?
0,0:13:59.95,0:14:01.70,This is the worst day of my Iife.
0,0:14:01.91,0:14:04.95,The worst day of your Iife so far.
0,0:14:08.67,0:14:11.21,-Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders?
0,0:14:11.42,0:14:14.13,If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.
0,0:14:14.34,0:14:17.05,You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.
0,0:14:17.26,0:14:19.50,Why are you heIping me? I'm not your kid.
0,0:14:19.72,0:14:23.67,We're neighbors. I'm sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.
0,0:14:23.89,0:14:25.30,Thank you.
0,0:14:32.73,0:14:35.36,-Hey, what's with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?
0,0:14:35.57,0:14:36.90,Of course I do.
0,0:14:37.11,0:14:39.57,What kind of a father wouIdn't care about--?
0,0:14:39.78,0:14:40.98,A pig wearing a hat!
0,0:14:43.91,0:14:48.54,Hey, hey! It's your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.
0,0:14:48.75,0:14:53.66,If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!
0,0:14:57.76,0:15:00.08,And we're cIear.
0,0:15:00.30,0:15:02.18,Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.
0,0:15:04.31,0:15:07.34,What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes!
0,0:15:21.03,0:15:23.40,You're coming home with me.
0,0:15:27.37,0:15:29.99,''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be?
0,0:15:31.13,0:15:34.99,I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number.
0,0:15:35.21,0:15:39.96,Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive?
0,0:15:40.18,0:15:42.17,ActuaIIy, it's aged me horribIy.
0,0:15:42.39,0:15:45.30,Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.
0,0:15:54.52,0:15:59.19,I beIieve what happened in church was a warning about preciseIy this.
0,0:15:59.40,0:16:01.44,PIease, get rid of that pig.
0,0:16:01.66,0:16:06.61,Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.
0,0:16:09.21,0:16:11.33,You naiIed her.
0,0:16:11.54,0:16:14.46,He aIso does me.
0,0:16:15.21,0:16:17.67,You smiIed. I'm off the hook.
0,0:16:26.39,0:16:29.76,Oh, you have so many Iooks.
0,0:16:46.91,0:16:48.70,So that's what snug is.
0,0:16:48.91,0:16:51.15,Who's a good pig?
0,0:16:51.87,0:16:54.03,Who's a good pig?
0,0:16:57.67,0:16:59.79,Rough day, huh, son?
0,0:17:00.51,0:17:03.38,You don't know what rough is, sister.
0,0:17:03.59,0:17:06.68,Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . .
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