求英语高手给我弄个简短一点的self introduction.
因为马上就要二级口语考试了,我就差这一个口语没过了.最好是能和一般人不一样的,比如I like reading.换成I fond of reading.有新的创意额外给奖励,但不要太难!
人气:348 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 18:07:53
hello,everyone.Now it's my turn to introduct myself.I'm ...My hometown is...Though it isn't the most beautiful place,I still love it,(再稍微介绍一下家乡的特色)As a student,reading is one of my hobbies,everyday I will read about half an hour,I enjoy the prospetwhich books make. how enjoyable it is! Ialways firmly believed that: the body is the basic of strugging,so in my spare time,I often do some sports,such as playing badminton,tennis and so on.In my opinion ,life is wonderful,soI always full of confidence of life.I believe my future will be better.有点短,希望对你有点帮助.\(^o^)/~
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