Many people keep small fish ____1____ pets.They keep them in a tank of water.The tank is made of glass.People can _____2____ through it.They can see inside the tank and watch the fish.
The fish need room.They mustn’t be crowded.They need ____3____ to breathe.______4____ must be enough water for all fish.So the size of the tank is very important.
In the tank people put small plants _____5_____ are good for fish.They give oxygen to the water.Plants help in other ways,too.They can hide _____6____ the plants and sleep,lay eggs there.
The fish ____7____ be kept in water all the time.Some can jump high.So the tank should be covered.This keeps the fish _____8_____ (jump) out.
The fish need food and should be fed every day.But ______9____ you give them too much food,it is very bad,for the extra food will fall to the bottom and make the water dirty.So the fish should get just enough food and finish _____10____ in ten minutes.Nothing should be left.
第二个是填look through,为什么不能填see through呢?第六个填的是among,为什么不可以填 in 或 behind呢?第八个为什么是jumping
人气:418 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 10:46:44
关于第二个空,因为see是及物动词,直接说see sth即可,译为"看见某物”表示一种结果,所以英语当中表示看的动作一般都用look.look是不及物动词,所以经常与介词或者副词搭配构成动词词组."look through sth‘“译为穿透某物看.
关于第八个空,常规而言,阻止某人做某事应该译为“keep sb from doing sth",但在少些英语文章当中from会被省略.此处只能填一个词,所以应该填jumping.其它形态不合适.
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