英语改错题 第一行跟最后一行是对的 其余共有八处错误 不能加词跟减词
The youth culture of today is indeed very eclectic,interesting and at times rather
bizare.Youth have been known to have nose and eyebrow piercing,sport mohawk
hairstyle,colourful braid hair and they sometimes even induge in Cosplay,where
they dress themsleves up in 'weird' fantsy period costumes.Each want to project
his own identity,be unique and stand up from the crowd.As such,these youths try
to come up with fashion statements that best reflect their personalities.And you can
see this individualistic in the sneakers,caps and beanies they wear.But with loads
of youthful energy to burn,this youngsters also get involved in a wide variety
pf sports ranging from skateboarding to parkour and from breakdancing to
singing.Every generation goes through such a developmental phrase,so it is
no surprise that each generation of youth tries to difference themsleves to
outshine and make their mark over the generation before.
人气:285 ℃ 时间:2020-03-26 00:45:38
...interesting and at times rather biz(z)are...
...nose and eyebrow piercing(s),.in 'weird' fant(a)sy period costumes.
...each want to project (their) own identity...
...and you can see this (individualism)in the sneakers...
...But with loads of youthful energy to burn,(these) youngsters also get involved in a wide variety (of) sports...
...Every generation goes through such a (development) phase,so it is no surprise that each generation of youth tries to (differentiate) themselves...
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