> 英语 >
一道either neither辨析的英语单选
We won't finish the work until next month.--And they _.
A won't either B will either
C won't too D will neither
求详细解释以及either neither的辨析和分别的用法
人气:231 ℃ 时间:2020-07-01 17:35:59
We won't finish the work until next month.--And they won't,either选A
注意选项还要加逗号 否则算错
He has a book.so do /have i.
he can sing.So can i.he came.So did i 肯定的也 ,注意中间跟着前面变
he doesn't have a book.Neither/ nor do i.
he didn't go.Neither did i.否定的也,注意中间也跟着前面变
i can answer either of the two questions.(只能答两者之一)
i can answer neither of the two questions.(两者都答不出) 全部否定
i can not answer both of the questions.(并非都能答,一个答得出一个答不出)部分否定
没有won't neither的形式
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