我有一个梦想 就是:想去远方 那是一个遥远的秘境 那里充满着鸟语花香
顺着一条蜿蜒的小路 就能到达那个地方 视线永远不会平息于地平线彼岸 哪怕风飘飘雨涟涟 那里有一望无际的原野 那里有美丽的白云高山 那里的群星最亮 那里的太阳最红 真希望那里不会被别人发现 因为那是一个只属于我们的地方
人气:414 ℃ 时间:2019-09-11 13:35:52
I have a dream is:want to go somewhere far away that was a distant shakotan coast there full of roses
Along a winding path can reach the place in sight never quell even the wind flowing across the horizon of endless rain lian lian there fields there are beautiful baiyun mountain where the stars the brightest where the sun most red wish there won't be others found because that is a belongs only to our place
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