> 英语 >
帮帮忙写下这些句子的被动语态、否定句 和疑问句
1/Every can understand his idea
2/You can buy computersquite cheaply now
3/We can speak a little English
4/You mustn't take these magazine from the library
5/She has already taken many phobs
6/Children should do their homework on time
7/Computers may replace books one day
8/We have heard the song before
人气:348 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 13:15:10
1/ 你是说every one吧被动 His idea can be understood by every one.(咦,every one是一个字还是两个字?) 否定 Not every one can understand his idea.疑问 Can every one understand his idea?2/Computersquite ca...
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