黄河(Yellow River)——世界上含沙量最多的河流.黄河,中国的母亲河.若把祖国比作昂首挺立的雄鸡,黄河便是雄鸡心脏的动脉.黄河流程约5500千米,流域面积达到79.5万平方千米,上千条支流与溪川犹如无数毛细血管,源源不断地为祖国大地输送着活力与生机.
长度5464 千米,源头海拔4675米,平均流量 1774.5 立方米/秒,流域面积 752442平方公里,源头在青海省,注入渤海,上、中游分界点:河口,中下游分界点:孟津.发源地:巴颜喀拉山的约古宗列曲.
黄河是我国第二长河,世界第五长河,源于青海巴颜喀拉山,干流贯穿九个省、自治区,流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东,全长5464公里, 流域面积75万平方公里,年径流量574亿立方米,平均径流深度79米.但水量不及珠江大,沿途汇集有35条主要支流,较大的支流在上游,有湟水、洮河,在中游有清水河、汾河、渭河、沁河,下游有伊河、洛河.两岸缺乏湖泊,黄河下游流域面积很小,流入黄河的河流很少.黄河的入海口河宽1500米,一般为500米,较窄处只有300米,水深一般为2.5米,有的地方深度只有1.2~1.3米.
Yellow River (Yellow River) - - in world silt content most rivers. Yellow River, China's mother river. If compares with the motherland the rooster which holds up the head to stand upright, Yellow River is the rooster heart's artery. The Yellow River flow the approximately 5500 kilometers, the drainage area amounts to 795,000 square kilometers, over a thousand branches and brook Sichuan just like the innumerable blood capillary, is transporting the vigor and the vitality continuously for the motherland. the length 5464 kilometers, the source elevation 4675 meters, the mean discharge 1774.5 cubic meters/seconds, the drainage area 752442 square kilometers, the source in Qinghai Province, pours into Bohai Sea, on, middle reaches threshold: River mouth, middle and lower reaches threshold: Mengtsing. Place of origin: Bayan's Yueguzonglie tune. the Yellow River is our country second perpetual flow, the world fifth perpetual flow, stems from the Qinghai Bayan, the main current passes through nine provinces, the autonomous region, flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, the span 5464 kilometers, the drainage area 750,000 square kilometers, the year amount of runoff 57,400,000,000 cubic meters, average runoff depth 79 meters. But the water volume is inferior to Pearl River to be big, collects some 35 main branches along the way, the big branch in the upstream, has Huangshui, Taohe river, has Qingshui river, Fenhe River, the Weihe River, Qinhe river in the middle reaches, the downstream has Yi River, the Luohe river. Both banks lack the lake, the Yellow River low river basin area are very small, flow in Yellow River's rivers to be very few. Yellow River's estuary river width 1500 meters, are 500 meters generally, narrow place only then 300 meters, the water depth is 2.5 meters generally, some place depth has 1.2~1.3 meters.