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人气:452 ℃ 时间:2020-02-02 17:37:53
-- "Good timing,geographical convenience and good human relations; Favorable climatic,geographical and human conditions; Favorable objective and subjective factors for success"天时,地利,人和-- favorable climatic,geographical and human conditions; favorable objective and subjective factors for success天时、地利、人和-- The historical opportunity of Wushu(martial arts such as shadowboxing) culture traveling development has already appeared.The domestic and foreign markets for it also have basically existed.People's understanding initially was forming.武术文化旅游开发的历史机遇已经凸现,国内外市场基本具备,人们对此的认识也在初步形成,即所谓天时、地利、人和已经构成可开发的条件.-- My Understanding on Heaven's Favorable Weather,the Earth's Advantageous Terrain and Human Unity in the Economic Zone of the?Two Corridors and One Ring?解读“两廊一圈”经济区的天时、地利、人和-- After hard work,the biggest determinant is being the right place at the right time with the right people.除了苦干之外,最大的决定因素就是天时,地利,人和.-- body and spirit are in balance.天时地利人和,缺一不可-- I was slap in the right place at the perfect time只因占了天时地利人和-- With the various advantages,you are sincerely welcome here to explore the investment and business opportunities for mutual development.如今的银川经济技术开发区天时地利,政通人和.
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