> 英语 >
1.After her husband left her, Wendy took 【the bottle】.
2.【The kettle】 is boiling.
3.Mrs. Reed was so hospitable that she entertained her guests with a good 【table】 from time to time
4.The film star has a large 【wardrobe.】
5.Sorry, my【 pocket 】can’t afford such a pair of shoes.
6.He has undoubtedly the best 【stable】 in the country.
7.The minute Presley took the stage, the【 hall 】burst into cheers.
8.【The whole town 】attended the funeral.
9.If【 the grave】 were perceivable, it would be weeping in grief.
10.When from 【the cradle】 to【 the grave】 I look,Mine I conceive a melancholy book.
12.The surgeonconvinced her that she could only be saved by a timely 【scalpel】.
13.He believed that【 the gun】 was not so much as 【the ploughd】.
14.He was raised to 【the bench】.
15. In our schools this is reflected by the vanishing【 hickory stick】 and the emerging psychiatrist.
15.Had he known a little about【 Pavlov’s dog 】he wouldn’t have made such a blunder in the treatment of the patient.
16.I have come to pick your【 brains】. You’re a metallurgist, and I’ve been asked this question about steel.
人气:175 ℃ 时间:2020-10-01 02:07:49
指示,代表;用抽象概念代替具体事物.  用该物的特色特点来写,如“红”“翠”本意指花树,这种方法叫指代.翻译这些句子要参照上下文来确定其具体含义.3,瑞德太太如此热情常常款待她的客户们.(TABLE这里指饭菜ENTERTAIN SB WITH A GOOD TABLE指款待,提供美食).4,那个影星衣服非常多(HAVE A LARGE WARDROBE指有一个很大的衣柜,这里指衣服数量之多)5,抱歉,我没钱买这样一双鞋(我的口袋里的钱不够支付这双鞋).7,PRESLEY登上台时,全场爆发出欢呼声(THE HALL指全场的人).8,全城的人都参加了葬礼.以此类推.
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