> 英语 >
大专公共英语 (一) SOS!
1.“Whowould like to go fishing with me?”
“I ______.”
A.shall B.would C.may D.will
2.Mr.Smith will buy some interesting books for______.
A.you,him and me B.you,I and he
C.you,me and him D.him,you and I
A.Not B.No C.Don’t D.Isn’t
4.Doyou go to school _____ bus?
A.in B.for C.by D.at
5.Pan studies English,Yang _________ French lessons.
A.brings B.gets C.takes D.goes
6.Li lives with his family_________ the second floor.
A.at B.for C.in D.on
7.How do you usually _________your day?
A.spend B.take C.stay D.have
8.He usually enjoys _________ inthe open air.
A.herself B.himself C.themselves D.itself
9.It usually _________ me an hourto get there.
A.spends B.wants C.has D.takes
10.The students read books ______ thereading room.
A.in B.from C.on D.after
11.Can you ______ me the pen?
A.lend B.borrow C.lent D.borrowing
12.He hasn’t any pens,_________ he has apencil.
A.any B.or C.and D.but
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2020-06-16 02:16:31
1、D,i will固定2、A,第二人称,第三人称,第一人称的顺序3、C,Don't smoke=No smoking4、C,by bus固定搭配5、C,固定搭配6、D,在第几层楼,固定搭配7、A,度过这一天、打发用spend8、B,主语是he,对应的是他自己himself9...
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