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IMAGINE a life without arms or legs!You can’t hold anyone in your 26 .You can’t walk anywhere with your feet.How would you last a day like that?Would you 27 at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic,the 29-year-old Australian?
Nick was born without limbs(四肢),so life was not 28 for him.At school many students played jokes on him 29 he looked different from everyone else.He was refused to be 30 friends,so he always felt 31 .However,he faced that bravely.He 32 to type and write with two toes(脚趾)at the age of six,and he could 33 surf and play golf.In college,he achieved great success and was among the 34 students in the studies.And he decided on 35 to do later in his life—to encourage others to work hard for their dreams.
Now Nick is one of the most popular 36 in the world.He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story 37 difficulties.“Living life fully is about looking at what you 38 ,not what you don’t have.” he said.His 39 encourages millions of people.
“I tell people to keep on getting up when they 40 and to always love themselves,” he said.“If I can encourage just one person,then my job in this life is done.”
26.A.arms B.ears C.eyes D.teeth
27.A.laugh B.cry C.smile D.shout
28.A.old B.easy C.modern D.difficult
29.A.because B.if C.until D.although
30.A.his B.my C.their D.our
31.A.happy B.relaxed C.lonely D.surprised
32.A.failed B.forgot C.helped D.learned
33.A.even B.ever C.never D.hardly
34.A.tall B.lazy C.sleepy D.excellent
35.A.how B.who C.what D.where
36.A.doctors B.speakers C.scientists D.managers
37.A.at B.for C.into D.against
38.A.make B.have C.lose D.want
39.A.story B.sadness C.friend D.family
40.A.fall B.play C.listen D.exercise
人气:444 ℃ 时间:2020-06-22 16:10:34
1-5 ACBAC 6-10 CDADC 11-15 BDBAA查到的:【主旨大意】本篇短文讲述没有四肢的澳大利亚人Nick Vujicic如何自强不息,和困难作斗争,以及他用自己的故事鼓励了更多的人的故事.26.A 本句句意:你不能拥抱任何人;hold s...
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