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well,Zhenghua shopping center is my pavorite place.
first,my home is near this shopping center.i walk there just need 10 minutes.but if i go anther place to shop,i have to drive my car cause this place is far away from my home,with the bad trafficondition,it will takes me 1 hour to there.it's terrible!so shopping in the Zhuanghua will save me much time.
what's more,Zhuanghua shopping center is always discount.if i buy a t shirt in anther place,it may charge 100 dollars,but in Zhenghua,just 50 dollars i can take it home.you konw i am a student,i have no independent source of income,my bill gonna kill me if i shopping in anther place,but in zhanghua,i won't run out of my budget.
that's why i like this place to shop for clothes.
人气:405 ℃ 时间:2020-04-14 00:53:31
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