1.All that glitters is not gold.
2.Everyone cannot make music.
3.It hardly matters.
4.It did not rain all the month.
5.It's not unlikely that he'll mess things up.
6.Neither of the twins likes traveling.
7.Never have I seen such a mess.
8.None have arrived.
9.It's not impossible for her to get the work done in a week's time.
10.It's not unnecessary fro them to examine the evidence once more.
人气:363 ℃ 时间:2019-09-06 21:39:39
1.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子.2.Everyone cannot make music.不是每个人都会成为音乐家.3.It hardly matters.没什么事.4.It did not rain all the month.一个月没下雨了.5.It's not unlike...
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