> 英语 >
人气:142 ℃ 时间:2020-05-03 14:51:39
下面就是你要的:I Love Guangzhou On the map of China,Guangzhou is in the south.It is really a big city.There are so many towns in it.Just in Panyu,there are seventeen towns.I live in Panyu and I love it very much.There are many places we can enjoy ourselves.Bao Moyuan is one of the interesting places in Panyu.There are a lot of gold fish in the artificial lake.Some people sell fish food everywhere.You can spend five yuan buying one bag and feed the fish.That’s fun.There are also many big trees,colorful flowers.The nests of birds are on the big trees,they all enjoy themselves very much.Of course,I can have fun every time when I go there.Another beautiful place I want to mention is Lotus mountain .That is a good place for praying..The most important part of it is the tall statue of Guangying.Many people visit there and pray good luck for their families,their marriage,their career.You can also enjoy trees,flowers,waters,stones there.From the top of the mountain,you can also watch the pearl river.That’s really good.My hometown is a beautiful and rich place.I like it very much.Warmly welcome to visit here.这是翻译,能让你明白上面写是什么意思:我爱广州 在中国地图上,广州处于中国南方.这是个很大的城市.它有很多个区.单单番禺区又有17个镇.我住在番禺,那是我喜爱的家乡.宝墨园是番禺一个非常好玩的地方.那儿,有很多金鱼.到处都有人出售喂鱼的饲料.你只要花上五元钱就可以一享饲鱼的乐趣.这里还有很多参天大树和鲜艳的花儿.鸟儿把它们的窝造在高高地大树上,尽享天伦.当然,每次我到那儿也都会尽兴.还有一个地方值得一提,那就是番禺的莲花山.这里最标志性的建筑是高高的观音像.许多人到这里来参观,来祈福.这里的风景也独好,可以看树、看山、看水、看花、看奇石.站在山顶上,还可以看见珠江像条玉带撒在大地上.真是妙极了.我的家乡是个美丽富饶的地方.我深爱着它.热烈欢迎你到我的家乡来!
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