> 英语 >
1.Imagine you are meeting a new collage student on cumpus for the first time,Greet him/her and introduce yourself Then ask about his/her college loft and interests.
2.Imagine one of your classmates has received scholarship.You meet him or her and express your congratulation
3.Imagine you are going to organize an English party.You are asking your friends to give you some advice on how to write a notice for a poster.
4.Imagine you are not feeling well.You go to see a doctor and tell him or him or her what's wrong with you..
每个都要对话.不要短了 要有中文意思
人气:485 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 06:36:47
一、介绍与问候1.A:hello,nice to meet you.见到你很高兴)I am Nancy,I come from Shenzhen .(我是南希,我来自深圳)B:hi,nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高兴)My name is Lily.I am from Jiangxi.(我叫莉莉,我...
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