One day,the king went out for a walk in the street.As he walked,the king found a donkey w—— around a millstone.Around its n—— there were some bells,ringing all the time.
When the king saw this,he got very p——,and asked the owner,“Why do you p—— the small bells there?”
“When I can’t h——the sound,I’ll know the donkey is l——and s—— working”the owner answered,”and then I’ll shout out at it and the donkey will go on walking.
“If the donkey stands in the s—— place and shakes its head,w—— should you do then?”the king went on asking him.
“Where can I find such a c——donkey?”the owner answered.
人气:389 ℃ 时间:2020-09-30 10:34:07
walking, neck,perplexed,put,hear,lazy,stop,same,what,clever
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