如何翻译:星期四可以.在计算机行业工作,在保险行业工作.从早上八点到下午三点.不够舒服.不如伦敦那样令人兴奋.今天天气如何?乘地铁去你的办公室,在办公楼前,在超市对面,恐怕不能.你今天感觉如何,您要留言吗?汤姆不擅长踢足球.他长什么样儿?我得了感冒.星期四你有空吗?是个好主意.我们为什么不?谁负责?我能转达吗?Which of these two___________(你更喜欢)?The lift __________(不运转了)?Jane(简)is better at web-desigh than Mary(玛丽),but Mary is more experienced at training.How many days did you stay in Beijing?He is good at web-desigh,much better than her .We have too much cheese in the fridge.I feel terribe.I've got a headache,backache and a sore throat.She has got long,fair,wavy hair.My cousin is quite outgoing.How much does the book cost?I'm interested in that large flat.He has got very short hair with blue eyes.
人气:192 ℃ 时间:2019-12-12 22:31:16
汉译英:Thursday would be good. work in IT, work in insurance. from 8 am to 3 pm. be in bad health. not exciting as london. how about the weather today. go to your office by the tube. in front of the ...