> 英语 >
人气:188 ℃ 时间:2020-06-08 06:58:42
不好意思打扰你了,我照你方法联系了EBS的人,已经确定了ABS和缆线是好的,可是还是没有解决4#工位报警的原因,我让机修的人查了一下线路,他们说:“有可能是PC坏了,但不能确定!”我想问一下,有什么办法能确定是PC的问题,还有如果检查出来真的坏了,应该联系谁维修!可以给个联系方式 吗?非常感谢
I am sorry to bother you. I contacted the EBS people according to your methods and have already determined that the ABS and the cable line is good, but this still does not solve the cause of station #4's alarm. I let the machine repair people check the circuitry and they said: "The PC may be bad, but cannot be surely confirmed!" I would like to ask, what kind of methods are there to determine that the problem is with the PC? In addition, if its checkout is truly bad, who should be contacted for repair! Can you give a contact method? Thanks very much.
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