I want tospeak to mother
my mothera few yearsyouwill take care ofme,from small to large,Iwearthebrandshoes,clothes,shoesandyou wearthosecheapbargains.Ibecametheapple of his eye.
Mother ahsmall to large,I lookperfectly healthy,happily.
One time,I wentto schoolistogo halfway,it began todownpour.Language bookI founddid not bringtotheclassroomhomework,soI was surprised.Want to go tothephonecan beoutsidein therain, my motherwas sick, somydilemma,decided not tocall.
Onearly study hall,themotherlanguagebookssent.I thought to myself:my motherhowsicksend booksoutsideraining cats and dogs.I'm very excited!
Afternoon,got homemy momcook.
Yourlove,I am the onlygrow uptorepay you.Now,I can onlyexamscore,hardworking andhavetodo the housework.