25.Children are ranged _____ order of their performance in the last test.
A.by B.from C.through D.in 我选B 我记得是B的这个用法啊
26.He fell into the couch and turned on the TV,unaware of _____ being a snake lying near his feet.A.it B.there C.that D.one 我选C 这个句子是什么结构啊?
28.Beer bottles can be recycled but they need cleaning thoroughly,_____ they?A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.don’t答案D 我选B 不懂
33.Before closing the door to his office,he told his secretary that he was _____.
A.to not disturb B.not to disturb C.to not be disturbed D,not to be disturbed答案D我选C 我感觉我想的有点多了 还是真的有语法上的难点?
35.She began to cook the meal,briefly wondering _____ her own household was coping without
A.what B.how C.which D.that cope我只知道cope with这个用法 不知道选B的原因
人气:303 ℃ 时间:2020-05-02 07:58:51
25.in order 按顺序来26.of 后接something 这里选B是因为有一个there be 结构28.首先,反问反问的是but前的那一部分内容,然后,这里的can是作为一个助动词来用的而不是情态动词.33.否定不是都在谓语之后否定吗?我们经...