> 英语 >
1.She didn't fell< >eating anything,so she ate noting< >lunch.
2.We must stop him< >leaving here.
3.The doctor looked< >the patient.There was noting wrong< >her.
4.Tom is a professional soccer athelete,He's interested< >skating,too.
5.On Sunday there are lots of students looking< >books in the bookstore.
Pass me the salt,please.
Pass the salt< >< >,please.
Fish and chips is my favourite.
I< >fish and chips< >.
How can I get to the post office?
Which is< >< >< >the post office?
Maybe the old man is his grandfather.
The old man< >< >his grandfather.
Helen,what's wrong with you?
Helen,what's< >< >with you?
人气:386 ℃ 时间:2020-05-28 19:31:47
1.She didn't fell< like >eating anything,so she ate noting< for >lunch.
2.We must stop him< from >leaving here.
3.The doctor looked< at >the patient.There was noting wrong< with >her.
4.Tom is a professional soccer athelete,He's interested< in >skating,too.
5.On Sunday there are lots of students looking< for >books in the bookstore.
Pass the salt< to >< me >,please
I< like >fish and chips< best >.
Which is< the >< way >< to >the post office?
The old man< may >< be >his grandfather.
Helen,what's< the >< trouble >with you?
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