They want to do certain things at acertain time. 翻译谢谢
人气:450 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 04:29:08
- they can shop for anything they want at any time 翻译
- 翻译:Sometimes people do this just to be nice .Other times it is because they want to get somthing from the person they ar
- 英语翻译:他们什么时间穿好衣服?What time do they ___ ___
- What are they going to do?They are going to have a good time.请帮我翻译成中文
- Next time when they try to save money,they will certainly pay someone to do the work?请翻译这句话
- 找规律填数字:2,8,3,12,7,28,23( )( )
- my father broccoli?A like B likes C have D does
- a的绝对值是7,b的绝对值是9,a+b的绝对值等于-(a+b),则b-a是多少