一道GMAT句子改错题 求指导
The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800’s have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators.
(A) have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators
(B) have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators
(C) have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators
(D) has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators(D)
(E) has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators
D和E的意思我感觉完全不同啊 E中black inventions 对照了原文 而D中去用Black修饰了originators 为什么反而是E对呢?(我知道考点是make it to do )
对不起 最后一句话打错了 这道题正确选项是D 我是想说“为什么反而D对”
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2020-07-01 08:34:13
Black invention和invention with Black originator其实是一个意思 black换修饰宾语并没有使句义发生偏折 所以D是对的
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